Pupil Voice
Worship Committee
Worship Committee
Our Worship Committee, which includes one child from each class alongside 2 additional year 6 pupils, meet once per half term to discuss various topics including prayer and reflection areas, collective worship and also our school values. We want to help make sure our Christian Values of Honesty, Perseverance, Courage, Kindness, Friendship, Respect, Responsibility and Forgiveness can be seen at work in our school.
We aim to:
Evaluate and improve collective worship by suggesting themes for worship, prayers and hymns
To help with leading collective worship by reading prayers and Bible passages
Ensure that everyone has a space to reflect and pray
Host special worship events

School Council
The aim of the School Council is to take into account the voices of every child of St James’s CE Primary School. The councillors listen to their classes’ opinions, concerns and ideas and then bring them to meetings which take place every half term. The council help raise money for our school fund and other charities and make our school an exciting and fun environment to support our learning.
We aim to:
Ensure our school is a happy and safe place for ALL children.
Give a place where children can voice their concerns and opinions.
Listen to the children's ideas and opinions on improving their school.
Listen to the children's ideas and opinions on reward events and fundraising.

Eco Council
Our aim is to help everybody live in a more sustainable way. What does that mean? We need to live in a way that looks after our planet, so that it is still a good place to live for us and all the people who will live after us!
Our Eco Councillors have worked on producing an ECO CODE that is displayed around school and every class has been asked to pledge to keep it both in and out of school. We meet every half term to make suggestions and decisions as well as get involved in projects that the council runs.
We represent the aims of the whole school to improve St James’s CE Primary School's sustainability by reducing its energy use and increasing the amount of recycling carried out.
We aim to:
Help others to follow our ECO CODE such as putting litter in the bin, turning off taps and lights.
Monitor our energy use in school and encourage teachers and children to recycle.

Learning Ambassadors
The aim of our Learning Ambassadors is to make children at our school more aware of what good learning behaviour is and what good learning looks like. Our Learning Ambassador team is made up from two pupils from each year group from Year 1 to Year 6, with 2 additional Year 6 representatives, and signifies children from a wide range of the community.
The Learning Ambassadors will focus on how pupils are learning in lessons. They will talk to pupils from all year groups about how they learn and review pupil books with members of the Senior Leadership Team.
We aim to:
Help children within our school to understand how they learn and that learning can take many different forms.
Help children within our school to understand what good learning behaviour looks like.
Help children within our school to challenge themselves and maintain a positive growth mind set.
Help children within our school to become more independent learners.

Digital Leaders
As Digital Leaders, we explore the issues surrounding online safety and what we can do as a school to improve the safety of everyone on the internet. The Digital Leaders gather ideas and issues from their peers to share in meetings once every half term which we then formulate into ideas to improve the quality of computing across the school.
We aim to:
Discuss issues surrounding online safety.
Implement strategies to improve online safety.
Discuss the teaching of computing in school.
Implement strategies to improve the teaching of computing in school.